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Bulbinella angustifolia

Narrow leaves and dense spikes of starry, bright yellow flowers.

Wulfenia baldaccii

Striking blue flowers held above a basal rosette of leathery mid green leaves.

Wulfenia carinthiaca

Dense clusters of deep blue flowers on short stems.

Stachys (Betonica) officinalis subsp. officinalis

Alpine betony; hairy leaf rosettes and heads of pink flowers.

Symphytum ibericum

Ground-cover plant with tubular pale pink, almost white flowers.

Semiaquilegia adoxoides double-flowered

A mass of dusky pink petals - like some punk hair style!

Primula stenodonta

Like poissonii; whorls of larger, bright deep pink flowers on arching pedicels.

Primula sieboldii

Distinctive, hairy leaves and clusters of quite large pink flowers.