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Saxifraga 'Sue Tubbs'

Lime-encrusted leaves and a great plume of white flowers with red spots.

Saxifraga 'Vreny'

Tight cushions of grey-green rosettes with tall heads of white flowers.

Saxifraga paniculata 'Doctor Clay'

Intensely silver-grey rosettes with white starry flowers.

Penstemon pinifolius 'Mersea Yellow'

Low shrublet with bright yellow flowers.

Leontopodium nivale subsp. alpinum

The edelweiss; low mats of grey-green leaves and heads of soft, felty bracts.

Jovibarba sobolifera

Tight rosettes of pink blushed foliage, and spikes of yellow-green flowers.

Incarvillea mairei var. grandiflora

Deep crimson pink, large trumpet-shaped flowers.

Geranium magniflorum

Beautiful finely divided foliage and large purple/blue flowers.