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Astrantia 'Roma'

Clump-forming perennial with umbels of small, pink, papery flowers.

Trollius x cultorum 'Alabaster'

Cream-coloured semi-double bowl-shaped flowers.

Campanula moesiaca

Dense clusters of lilac blue flowers above rosette of deep green leaves.

Bulbinella angustifolia

Narrow leaves and dense spikes of starry, bright yellow flowers.

Symphytum ibericum

Ground-cover plant with tubular pale pink, almost white flowers.

Primula stenodonta

Like poissonii; whorls of larger, bright deep pink flowers on arching pedicels.

Primula poissonii

Candelabra type, with whorls of bright, deep pink flowers.

Primula (Dodecatheon) meadia

Pink flowers with white and yellow centres.