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Inula magnifica

Golden yellow flowerheads tower above large ovate leaves.

Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike'

Dramatic perennial with spikes of pink flowers, pale then darkening.

Actaea simplex 'Brunette'

Tall bottlebrush heads of pinkish white flowers above dark divided leaves.

Wulfenia baldaccii

Striking blue flowers held above a basal rosette of leathery mid green leaves.

Wulfenia carinthiaca

Dense clusters of deep blue flowers on short stems.

Trollius x cultorum 'Alabaster'

Cream-coloured semi-double bowl-shaped flowers.

Trollius europaeus 'Lemon Supreme'

A compact form of the globeflower with lemon yellow round flowers.

Trollius ircuticus

Tall stems of bowl-shaped orange flowers with a ring of stamens.