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Adenophora stricta subsp. confusa

Strong spikes bearing deep-blue to purple-blue nodding, bell-shaped flowers.

Dianthus carthusianorum

Tall pink with single magenta flowers with pinky petals.

Wulfenia carinthiaca

Dense clusters of deep blue flowers on short stems.

Primula poissonii

Candelabra type, with whorls of bright, deep pink flowers.

Primula sikkimensis var. pudibunda

Umbels of hanging, pale yellow flowers.

Primula stenodonta

Like poissonii; whorls of larger, bright deep pink flowers on arching pedicels.

Incarvillea mairei var. grandiflora

Deep crimson pink, large trumpet-shaped flowers.

Silene zawadskii

Tufts of glossy leaves and heads of white flowers.