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Saxifraga 'Rachel'

New silver saxifrage; narrow leaves and long, bronze stems with white flowers.

Saxifraga cotyledon 'Pyramidalis'

Long, arching sprays of many white flowers.

Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Alba'

White flowered form of the Pasque flower; soft foliage and large flowers.

Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pasque flower; pale purple flowers, yellow stamens and pale purple stigma.

Pulmonaria 'Victorian Brooch'

Long-lasting, bright magenta flowers.

Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain'

Lovely silver-white spotted leaves; bright blue flowers.

Pulmonaria longifolia

Lungwort with long slender white-spotted leaves and blue-violet flowers.

Primula wilsonii

Large-flowered form; whorls of bright, deep pink, yellow-eyed flowers.