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Armeria juniperifolia 'Alba'

Compact, white-flowered 'sea pink'.

Arabis androsacea

Low mat of hairy rosettes with short-stemmed clusters of white flowers.

Saxifraga cotyledon 'Pyramidalis'

Long, arching sprays of many white flowers.

Erysimum pulchellum

Perennial 'Wallflower' with light lemon yellow flowers and a prostrate habit.

Campanula portenschlagiana Resholt's variety

Vigorous dwarf species with masses of lavender blue bell-flowers.

Saxifraga cotyledon 'Pyramidalis'

Long, arching sprays of many white flowers.

Primula (Evotrochis) simensis

Mealy white leaves and whorls of golden yellow flowers.

Primula elatior subsp. ruprechtii

A very pale yellow form of the oxlip.