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Phlox subulata 'Tamaonagalei'

Cascading low foliage with white flowers streaked with carmine.

Heuchera rubescens var. versicolor

Mounds of rounded, maroon-tinged leaves.

Dianthus carthusianorum

Tall pink with single magenta flowers with pinky petals.

Globularia nudicaulis

Low rosettes with green leaves and little balls of shaggy blue flowers.

Campanula moesiaca

Dense clusters of lilac blue flowers above rosette of deep green leaves.

Bulbinella angustifolia

Narrow leaves and dense spikes of starry, bright yellow flowers.

Azorella trifurcata

A low, evergreen perennial, with lime-yellow flowers.

Wulfenia carinthiaca

Dense clusters of deep blue flowers on short stems.