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Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum'

Glaucous grey leaves becoming purple-red; yellow flowers.

Sedum (Phedimus) spurius 'Tricolor'

Mat forming ground cover with green, white and red leaves; pink flowers.

Lewisia pygmaea

Tuft of fleshy leaves and delicate cluster of pink flowers.

Saxifraga x urbium

Variegated rosettes and stems with sprays of white flowers.

Primula capitata subsp. mooreana

Rosettes of serrated leaves and tight heads of purple flowers.

Jovibarba sobolifera

Tight rosettes of pink blushed foliage, and spikes of yellow-green flowers.

Jovibarba hirta

Rosettes of green leaves, streaked red-brown, and pale yellow, starry flowers.

Heuchera rubescens var. versicolor

Mounds of rounded, maroon-tinged leaves.