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Saxifraga paniculata 'Doctor Clay'

Intensely silver-grey rosettes with white starry flowers.

Saxifraga 'Kath's Delight'

Rosette of lime-encrusted leaves and arching stems with white flowers.

Saxifraga 'Vreny'

Tight cushions of grey-green rosettes with tall heads of white flowers.

Arabis procurrens 'Variegata'

Mat of variegated leaves and short stems with heads of small white flowers.

Arabis androsacea

Low mat of hairy rosettes with short-stemmed clusters of white flowers.

Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpureum'

Glaucous grey leaves becoming purple-red; yellow flowers.

Sedum (Phedimus) spurius 'Tricolor'

Mat forming ground cover with green, white and red leaves; pink flowers.

Lewisia pygmaea

Tuft of fleshy leaves and delicate cluster of pink flowers.