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Primula zambalensis

Mat of small leaves with relatively tall stem and large pink flowers.

Primula 'Lady Greer'

Small clusters of fringed, pale yellow flowers in a hanging head.

Primula 'Hemswell Blush'

Pink flowers with yellow eyes.

Primula allionii 'Grandiflora'

Very large, mid pink flowers.

Delosperma cooperi

Quick-spreading succulent ice plant with lots of brilliant pink flowers.

Delosperma congestum

Mats of fleshy rosettes with bright yellow 'Mesembryanthemum' flowers.

Saxifraga paniculata subsp. cartilaginea

A silver saxifrage with pure white flowers.

Saxifraga 'Kath's Delight'

Rosette of lime-encrusted leaves and arching stems with white flowers.