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Ligularia 'The Rocket'

Large, deep green leaves and spires of yellow flowers on black stems.

Achillea 'Terracotta'

Large flat heads of burnt orange flowers over feathery leaves.

Digitalis trojana

Unusual caramel-brown flowers with a white lip and gold and rust-brown throat.

Rodgersia pinnata 'Elegans'

Bold, pinnate coppery leaves and elegant spikes of soft pink to creamy flowers.

Thalictrum delavayi

Masses of violet flowers with numerous yellow stamens; lovely.

Iris prismatica

Clusters of 2 or 3 violet blue flowers with purple veins.

Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen'

A fine selected form with large golden bowl-shaped flowers.

Trollius ircuticus

Tall stems of bowl-shaped orange flowers with a ring of stamens.