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Saxifraga 'Rachel'

New silver saxifrage; narrow leaves and long, bronze stems with white flowers.

Aquilegia desertorum

Small, nodding flowers of red and yellow with green-grey foliage.

Campanula moesiaca

Dense clusters of lilac blue flowers above rosette of deep green leaves.

Heuchera cf. rubescens

Unidentified species, compact, with rounded, fresh green leaves.

Heuchera rubescens var. versicolor

Mounds of rounded, maroon-tinged leaves.

Saxifraga 'Sue Tubbs'

Lime-encrusted leaves and a great plume of white flowers with red spots.

Saxifraga cotyledon 'Pyramidalis'

Long, arching sprays of many white flowers.

Trollius farreri var. farreri

Golden yellow flowers flushed red on the outside.