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Primula juliae

Bright purply pink flowers over mats of bright green leaves.

Primula 'Peter Klein'

Pink flowers with ring of white around the yellow eye, on short, upright stems.

Anemone (Anemonoides) nemorosa 'Vestal'

Beautiful wood anemone with double white flowers.

Aquilegia desertorum

Small, nodding flowers of red and yellow with green-grey foliage.

Sibbaldia procumbens

Tufted alpine with blue-green leaves and saucer-shaped yellow flowers.

Primula mistassinica

Compact umbel of pink to pale violet flowers that have vivid yellow eyes.

Primula zambalensis

Mat of small leaves with relatively tall stem and large pink flowers.

Aciphylla subflabellata

Spiky, divided, grey-green leaves and a tall spike of yellow flowers.