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Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Alba'

White flowered form of the Pasque flower; soft foliage and large flowers.

Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pasque flower; pale purple flowers, yellow stamens and pale purple stigma.

Dianthus carthusianorum

Tall pink with single magenta flowers with pinky petals.

Anemone x lesseri

Anemone with deeply divided leaves and bright red flowers.

Aquilegia rockii

Elegant, dusky purple flowers on slender branched stems.

Campanula makaschvilii

Arching stems with pink flowers along their length; from the Caucasus.

Primula denticulata

The drumstick Primula; spherical heads of pink-purple flowers.

Silene zawadskii

Tufts of glossy leaves and heads of white flowers.