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  • Plant category: herbaceous perennial
  • Soil: Standard
  • Award of Garden Merit: Yes

Primula florindae

One or two large umbels of scented, pale yellow or orange flowers.

Asarum europaeum

An evergreen, creeping plant that has exotic hooded purple-red flowers.

Aruncus aethusifolius

Feathery panicles of creamy white flowers; yellow autumn foliage.

Aruncus dioicus

Goats beard; feathery cream heads above attractive green serrated foliage.

Helleborus argutifolius

Tough, glossy leaves and bright greenish yellow flowers.

Ligularia 'The Rocket'

Large, deep green leaves and spires of yellow flowers on black stems.

Nepeta x faassenii

Aromatic plant with mauve- blue flowers over a long period.

Iris forrestii

Slender-leaved iris with pale yellow flowers.