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  • Plant category: alpine plant
  • Garden habitat: Alpine winter / sunny summer

Jovibarba hirta

Rosettes of green leaves, streaked red-brown, and pale yellow, starry flowers.

Delosperma cooperi

Quick-spreading succulent ice plant with lots of brilliant pink flowers.

Delosperma 'John Proffitt'

Quick-spreading ice plant with brilliant fuchsia flowers.

Delosperma congestum

Mats of fleshy rosettes with bright yellow 'Mesembryanthemum' flowers.

Aethionema armenum

Shrublet with grey-green leaves and heads of pale pink flowers.

Azorella trifurcata

A low, evergreen perennial, with lime-yellow flowers.

Aquilegia karelinii

Abundant, deep violet flowers with neat foliage.

Armeria juniperifolia 'Alba'

Compact, white-flowered 'sea pink'.