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Incarvillea mairei var. grandiflora

Deep crimson pink, large trumpet-shaped flowers.

Maianthemum canadense

Woodlander with clusters of white, starry flowers; useful ground cover.

Geum triflorum

Pink buds, pink flowers, and dusky pink feathery seeds.

Convallaria majalis var. rosea

Beautiful and rare form of lily-of-the-valley with pink flowers.

Potentilla atrosanguinea

Domes of strawberry-like leaves and brilliant red flowers.

Potentilla x tonguei

Apricot flowers with a bright red centre

Primula wilsonii

Large-flowered form; whorls of bright, deep pink, yellow-eyed flowers.

Asarum europaeum

An evergreen, creeping plant that has exotic hooded purple-red flowers.