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Primula halleri

Bright lilac-pink long-tubed flowers.

Aethionema armenum

Shrublet with grey-green leaves and heads of pale pink flowers.

Primula 'Hemswell Blush'

Pink flowers with yellow eyes.

Primula allionii 'Grandiflora'

Very large, mid pink flowers.

Primula x pubescens 'Lilac Fairy'

Dome of neat foliage covered with a mass of pink-purple flowers.

Veronica wormskjoldii

Stems of opposite pairs of leaves, topped with blue flowers.

Lewisia 'Brynhyfryd Hybrids'

A lovely mix of hybrids, from a selected group of good parents.

Azorella trifurcata

A low, evergreen perennial, with lime-yellow flowers.