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Geranium 'Rozanne'

Large lavender blue flowers, purple veined, with a white eye,

Geum triflorum

Pink buds, pink flowers, and dusky pink feathery seeds.

Globularia nudicaulis

Low rosettes with green leaves and little balls of shaggy blue flowers.

Helleborus argutifolius

Tough, glossy leaves and bright greenish yellow flowers.

Heuchera cf. rubescens

Unidentified species, compact, with rounded, fresh green leaves.

Heuchera rubescens var. versicolor

Mounds of rounded, maroon-tinged leaves.

Hosta 'Twist of Lime'

Lime green leaves edged with darker green; dwarf.

Hylomecon japonica

Four-petalled yellow poppy flowers; beautiful low woodlander.