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Paeonia 'Late Windflower'

Single white flowers over very dissected foliage.

Polemonium caeruleum subsp. caeruleum

'Jacob's ladder' - herbaceous perennial with lots of pale blue flowers.

Polygonatum x hybridum

Solomon's seal, with tubular green-tipped, creamy white flowers.

Primula bulleyana

Candelabra type with whorls of orange-yellow flowers.

Primula florindae

One or two large umbels of scented, pale yellow or orange flowers.

Primula florindae red-flowered

One or two large umbels of scented, red flowers.

Primula japonica violet-flowered

Candelabra type, grown from seed from plants with violet flowers.

Primula pulverulenta

Candelabra type with deep purple-red flowers.