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Jeffersonia diphylla

This is a very small genus of woodland plants, one species from America and one from eastern Asia. The leaves are on short stems that emerge directly from the rhizome, and each leaf is divided more or less into two. Plants slowly increase to clumps, which can be divided with care. Otherwise propagation is by seed, which is produced in small quantities at best.

Jeffersonia diphylla is a fine plant for a woodland situation. It has twin leaves (it is known in its native America as twinleaf) and a slender stem holds a delicate white, eight-petalled flower in early summer.

Pot Size 1 litre pot
Width 20cm
Height 20cm
Family Berberidaceae
Flowering Late spring to early summer
Garden habitat partial shade
Soil well drained soil
Plant category Alpine
Height range


1 litre pot £8.00
Jeffersonia diphylla
Jeffersonia diphylla
Plants Available: 29
Quantity Required:
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